Breastfeeding resources
We understand the profound importance of breastfeeding for both the mother’s and baby’s health and well-being.
We have curated a collection of valuable information, practical tips, and compassionate support to assist you every step of the way.
From breastfeeding positions and latch techniques to addressing common challenges and finding local lactation consultants, this information is designed to empower and educate mothers, ensuring a positive and successful breastfeeding experience.
Explore our resources and embark on this beautiful bonding journey with confidence.
Breastfeeding Resources
Our carefully curated collection of articles and expert advice is designed to provide you with the knowledge, guidance, and support you need to navigate the world of breastfeeding confidently.
Whether you’re a new mum, an experienced parent, or a healthcare professional, we offer a wealth of information on breastfeeding techniques, common challenges, pumping and storing breastmilk, nutrition, and much more.
Online Support

Australian Breastfeeding Association
The Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA) is Australia's peak information, education and support service on breastfeeding.
They offer a 24-hour Breastfeeding Helpline from qualified breastfeeding counsellors - 1800 686 268.
Through the provision of practical mother-to-mother peer support, up-to-date and evidence-based information and continuing education for health care workers, ABA helps hundreds of thousands of families each year on their breastfeeding journey.
Health Direct
Health Direct is a government-funded service, providing quality, approved health information and advice.
Trusted health information and advice online and over the phone (1800 686 268), known as NURSE-ON-CALL in Victoria, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Lactation Consultants of Australia and New Zealand
Lactation Consultants of Australia and New Zealand (LCANZ) provides support for both breastfeeding mothers and lactation consultants in Australia and New Zealand.
They also work closely with government and relevant bodies to gather and share information, and lobby for the support of breastfeeding mothers and the people who work with them.

La Leche League
La Leche League’s mission is to help mothers worldwide to breastfeed through mother-to-mother support, encouragement, information, and education, and to promote a better understanding of breastfeeding as an important element in the healthy development of the baby and mother.
Pregnancy, Birth and Baby
Pregnancy, Birth and Baby is a national Australian Government service providing support and information for expecting parents and parents of children, from birth to 5 years of age.
They provide information and advice from pregnancy through to preschool available online, over the phone (1800 882 436) and by video call.
Resources available to purchase
Milk Matters: Infant feeding & immune disorder
– Hardcover by Maureen Michin
Maureen Minchin is a medical historian who became a ground-breaking pioneer in the field of infant feeding, first with her book on food intolerances (Food for Thought, editions 1982-1992), then with the publication of Breastfeeding Matters in 1985 (4th edition in 1998) which galvanised many readers such as Professor Frank Oski, who reviewed it in the 1987 Yearbook of Paediatrics, although the annual Yearbooks had never contained reviews!
She was the only Australian involved in the creation of the new international profession of lactation consultant, and through links with WHO Geneva and UNICEF New York was influential in the creation of the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative, which has led to major reform in maternity facilities. (She was sent to Nigeria to assess hospitals there in 1992 and worked as a BFHI educator and assessor until 2010.)
She has worked in voluntary organisations for decades and educated literally thousands of health professionals, doctors, midwives, nurses, and pharmacists, via courses and conferences she and others have organised.
She has been a consultant or writer on many university-based educational modules for health professionals, including the NHS-funded e-learning for health modules.
A mother of three, her interests and writing are based in huge knowledge of the science of breastfeeding, but are also plain-spoken and practical, arising from her own and other women’s experience. Her work is radically different from most breastfeeding handbooks because it takes seriously the issues of infant formula feeding, exposing many realities about which even many health professionals remain ignorant.
Milk Matters is her latest work, a massive tome with three different books under the one cover, which pulls together science, history, and clinical practice.
It can be read as two eBooks available from Amazon and Apple and other outlets: Infant formula and Modern Epidemics; Crying Babies and Food in the Early Years.
Milk matters: more than you know, Maureen Minchin’s latest book, is a call to all who are interested in the long-term health of humanity to take a better educated and research-driven view of the effects of early diet.
It is an impressive trilogy:
• Book 1 advances the milk hypothesis, that immune disorder can be communicated vertically, compounding intergenerationally, through early infant nutrition and pregnancy and birth experiences;
• Book 2 describes the development of replacements for breastmilk, outlining their past, present and future deficiencies, and excesses, and the known or likely consequences;
• Book 3 links the science and history to everyday infant problems and gives practical advice about preventing or resolving diet-related distress in young children.
Parenting your surrogate baby – Preparing for the Birth of Your Baby via Surrogacy
– eBook by Lynne Hall, IBCLC Lactation Consultant & Endorsed Midwife RN, RM, MN (Ed) and Board Member, Mothers Milk Bank Charity
Lynne McKensey Hall works in private practice as a Lactation Consultant and Endorsed Midwife in Sydney. She specialises in antenatal breastfeeding and birth classes and ongoing breastfeeding support after the birth of your baby.
Her aim in this eBook, as a midwife and IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant), is to mentor you via this first handbook so you can advocate more intuitively for your baby as well as for yourself.
What she offers are sensible, sensitive strategies and interventions to help you prepare for the arrival of your baby via surrogacy. The suggestions she makes take a lot of the guesswork out of setting up for the arrival of your baby.