About us
Recommended by the World Health Organisation, donor milk preserves health and saves lives whenever breastfeeding is not possible.
We are a not-for-profit charity, so when you receive breastmilk from Mothers Milk Bank Charity, you are paying for the processing costs only – the breastmilk itself is free.
Our Mission
To support the World Health Organisation (WHO) and UNICEF’s Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding, along with the Australian government’s Australian National Breastfeeding Strategy: 2019 and beyond, which state that..
“infants should be exclusively breastfed for the first six months life to achieve optimal growth, development and health.
Thereafter, to meet their evolving nutritional requirements, infants should receive nutritionally adequate and safe complementary foods while breastfeeding continues for up to two years of age or beyond.”
Our Vision
To provide families with the option of donor milk when needed, and to see all infants exclusively receiving breastmilk from birth to six months of age.

The Mothers Milk Bank Logo was created by Marea Ryan in 2005.
It symbolises two breasts empty of milk and two breast full of milk. Mothers in the community helping each other in a time of need.
Our Values
We are committed to expanding access and prioritising those most in need
Our decision making is driven by scientific evidence based on the latest research
Public Health
We promote healthier communities by supporting infant nutrition and breastfeeding
We protect infant health through adherence to the highest standards of screening, processing, and pasteurisation as well as the ethical sourcing of donor milk
We interact with all who are touched and influenced by our work – families, infants, milk donors, financial donors, community and medical partners, and team-members — with compassion and respect
We raise awareness of how pasteurised donor human milk saves lives, improves children’s long-term health, and supports breastfeeding.
Our History
Established in 2006, Mothers Milk Bank Charity is a registered charity and Australia’s only community milk bank.
We provide, where breastfeeding is not possible, tested pasteurised donor human milk from screened donor mothers for pre-term and term babies with an established need and without any discrimination.
Our Founder
The founder of Mothers Milk Bank Charity was Marea Ryan, a highly respected midwife and lactation consultant. She was well ahead of her time.
Marea recognised that the fastest way to improve the survival of premature and very low-weight babies in hospitals was to ask mothers to donate their excess milk.
She also saw the importance of avoiding severe illness in vulnerable, non-breastfed term babies in the community and called on the broader community for volunteer help.
Board members, staff & volunteers
Staff, board members, and volunteers actively participate in research and present educational sessions at conferences. Their goal is to support as many mothers as possible in successful breastfeeding.
Additionally, they work to ensure that there is always enough donor milk available. This helps to avoid the well-known risks associated with infant formula feeding, especially in cases of need.
Mothers Milk Bank Charity has grown from a small regional initiative in Northern NSW and South East Queensland.
It is now a nationwide service that supports mothers/carers in all states. This growth is thanks to the shared love of many donor mothers.
Countless hours of volunteer work and generous financial support from private individuals, volunteer groups, and the business community have played a crucial role.
Since 2017, the organisation has been expanding its reach.
Today, Mothers Milk Bank Charity’s specialist staff, volunteers and internationally recognised clinical and academic experts provide a reliable, trusted service to hospitals and compassionate, carefully supervised, efficient support to recipient families.
About us
About us about us about us about us about us